One of our favorite shopping sites and famous West Coast consignment shop launched a gorgeous tribute to the ladies of Sex and the City 2 last night.
A luxury condo in Chelsea was decked out to represent the homes and closets of Charlotte, Samantha, Carrie and Miranda. The VIP reception allowed guests to sip champagne and girly cocktails as they shopped through closets of Chanel suits, Dolce & Gabbana and other designers. Drool-worthy handbags and tables of accessories tempted you towards sin. The Holy Grail to many a fashion fan was the room filled with Jimmy Choos and Manolo Blahniks.
What was brilliant about this is a retailer turned a collection of (stylish!) second-hand items a highly anticipated event for fashionistas. They did this by relating items to a fabulous movie, allowing shoppers to fantasize themselves into a character.
Are you ready to play dress-up? If you're in NYC, RSVP to, head to the Chelsea Enclave at 177 9th avenue on Friday, May 21st or Saturday, May 22nd.
Online? No problem, Haute Look will have a concurrent sale of equally chic goods.

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